Saturday, December 15, 2012

Another Triumph

December 15, 1962

The Beatles top the bill at the second Mersey Beat best band celebration at the Majestic Ballroom.  They have won the award for the second straight year.

Also at this time, McCartney and Lennon are  working up a song for George to sing at their next recording session, the one that will result in their first LP (aka album) - "Please Please Me".  John hearkens back to a song from Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" that his mother sang to him as a very little boy.  That song was "I'm Wishing"  and the song that results is "Do You Want to Know a Secret?"  I can't watch that scene from the cartoon without being deeply touched by John's willingness to access that distant memory for his song.  It is such an insight into the sentimental, cynical cypher that is John Lennon.  Paul remembers adding the all important bridge ("I've known a secret for a week or two...").  Sounds right to me.

Time to start packing for one last foray to the "school of hard knocks" in Hamburg, Germany.  It's  "graduation" time. 

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